Thursday, May 24, 2007

America the Beautiful

Welcome to the Daily Patriot and we would like to thank you for expanding your perception of the world around us. The United States historically has been a place of freedom and liberty not only to do what is right for society but the allowance to make decisions in your life free from retaliation and persecution of others via government coercion. The preservation of personal sovereignty is fundamental for the growth of society and without this we will never be able to achieve the highest potential of our great society. What was once a fundamental right of every American has been eroded and distorted in a way that today's right of liberty is barely recognizable with the original intent. The government of the United States has slowly absorbed the rights of its citizens to a point where nearly all choices in life are in someway funnelled and directed to you by the State. Our once great nation is slowly slipping from the hands of freedom into an undesirable abyss. Therefore we have brought our cause to the Internet, the last true bastion of freedom, in an attempt to resurrect the forgotten concepts of liberty, freedom, and peace with hopes of restoring America to the embodiment of freedom and prosperity.